Bounce Off

Bounce Off is the trans-Atlantic duo of best friends Risa Koh and Jake McMillan and together they offer both a male and female perspective to all sorts of relationships.

Risa is a no-nonsense, stylish and cool Yank currently residing in the Kingdom of Canadia. A great loyal friend who is always there to give well-reasoned practical and sensible advice.

Jake is a charming British bloke with witty remarks and sarcastic comebacks that make conversation lively and interesting. He is a lovable friend who is always available to offer keen insights on life and love – unless he has a date.

Neither is a trained psychologist, but they spend their time, like ALL the time, discussing and observing dating and relationship issues of others. Utilising their extensive knowledge and experience as well as a lifetime of nosiness and gossiping, Risa and Jake offer their free independent and impartial advice.

Haven’t there been times when you would like an un-biased view on some issue or another with your competitive colleague, BFF, elusive crush, overbearing mother, or romantic partner? Well, now you have it.

Go to Bounce Off >>>

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